Saturday, February 11, 2006

Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky

Coming out of Hong Kong in 1992, "Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky" has to be the most absurd and violent movie I have ever seen. With a budget lower than dirt, the movie is more hilarious than anything else. A horrible English dub turns every line into absolute comic gold, completely off sync with the mouth every time. The blood and gore is so over the top, it is un-intentionally humorous. Riki-Oh was sent to prison for man slaughter after killing a bunch of thugs who killed his girlfriend. The inner-workings of the prison are corrupt to the core, and Riki-Oh immediately becomes infuriated by what he sees. With a Warden on a power trip, a deadly "Gang of Four" who control the North, East, West, and South wings of the jail, and an illegal drug ring happening right inside the prison walls, Riki-Oh has a lot of ass kicking to do. He punches his way (literally) through anyone who gets in his way, leaving holes in their stomachs or turning their heads into a mist of bloody pulp. The killing is so over the top, one can only laugh at the obviously fake and plastic body parts being torn off as if they were from a doll. Riki's super human strength was apparently acquired by his late Uncle in one night. He can also perform "miracles" such as tying his own veins together in his arm to stop bleeding and also survive underground for one week with a only a straw for air (he does eat the heart of a dog but I'm not even going to begin explaining how that happened). The warden of the jail also has some super human strength (twist of the year, including last year!), and Riki-Oh must defeat him in an intense final battle at the end of the movie. All in all, I recommend this movie anyone to has a strong stomach and a good sense of humor. It definitely has a spot in my DVD collection.


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